Other sites showing work


Thackeray Gallery

David has regularly shown his work at this intimate London gallery since 2003.  His next solo show is in October 2020.



David's work has been shown at the internationally renowned sculpture exhibition, set in the beautiful grounds of Asthall Manor in Oxfordshire.

Society of Portrait Sculptors

An active member since 2000, David participates in the annual 'FACE' show and Masterclasses.


Architectural Plants

David currently produces his large scale pieces at this beautiful plant nursery in West Sussex. 

See David at work by appointment via the AP website.

Royal Society of Sculptors

Proud to have been accepted as an MRSS of this esteemed society championing contemporary sculpture.


Art Academy

There's so much to learn... David has the pleasure of being a visitor tutor at the brilliant Art Academy in London. See their website for information on his four day portrait sculpture courses.