
Commissioning a piece of art and seeing your sculpture develop is a special and exciting process.

Whether it’s in celebration of a wedding; a gift for a milestone birthday; an anniversary; a commemorative piece in remembrance of someone’s life or just to create that special piece for a particular spot in your house or garden. Whatever the event, David will create a piece that is unique to you.

For a stone carving commission, David will visit your site to discuss ideas, size, best type of stone and position. Back at the studio, he will progress with a clay maquette to scale for your approval before starting to carve.

With a portrait commission, David works in clay from life in the sitter’s home. Once he is happy he has all the measurements correct and has captured the character of the sitter, he will take final detail photographs and cast the portrait either in his studio or if the final piece is a bronze, at a foundry.

All of David’s commission work is completed at an agreed cost and timescale with David's unique 'K' trademark to authenticate the final piece.

If you have a commission in mind, or would like to know more about the commissioning process, please get in touch via the Contact page.